The Montessori Kinderhaus Meggen was founded by Catherine Keller. She was a pioneer of Montessori education in Switzerland. She has dedicated her entire life to the Montessori education of children.
In 1975 she founded the Montessori Kindergarten in Lucerne.
Later she opened the Montessori Kinderhaus Meggen, which she led until the end of her life in 2020.
Catherine Keller, a former Montessori teacher-trainer (USA, FDU, NJ), and Montessori Consultant (AMS, American Montessori Society) had three post-graduate Montessori diplomas AMS (American Montessori Society), AMI (Assoziatione Montessori Internationale), und Claus Kaul (Zürich, Munich) and over 50 years of Montessori preschool-kindergarten teaching experience both in Switzerland and in USA. She also did consulting for Montessori in Queensland, Australia. She cherished ongoing dialogue with parents, continued learning exchanges with international Montessori (conferences, seminars), ECHA (the gifted), teachers/directresses of Swiss Montessori Children's Houses and the lectures of renowed pediatrician/author, Dr.R.Largo (Zürich Kinderspital) in Lucerne. She was a mother of 3 sons, and grandmother (10 grandchildren).